my only one
good morning world as i awake i can hear the sound of bird in the trees as the light of a new day leaks through the windows and pores in to the room as if the outside world does not contain enough room to hold the immenseity of this natural beauty, wonder, the symbol of a new beginning , a new oppertunity to be ourselves to be happy with the ones we love, as i lay awake i come back to reality. as the room have been completly filled so has my mind i think of you and how you resemble the sun. how beautiful you are your soul unique there is only one of you for me, you are my sun the one who powers me to get up each day and face the world, you lighten my day with the brightness of your wonderful smile but all days must come to a end where the darkness over comes and you my sun are taken from me and i must wait again what seams like a eternity to be with you as the darkness now fills the room my mind again is filled with light happiness and that smile, that sun that lightens up my day i say…. good night world.