Make The Devil Cry(Fine Day In Hell Series)
The Master’s Stories were legendary, and they spoke of a man who lied so well, The Devil wept and sent him back to glory. None knew what he’d said. None cared, for the Dark Lord’s wrath could be felt on all 9 planes of Hell in the years that followed. Dark chasms split down into the hissing abyss, as The Dark Lord’s thirst for more souls became a dark obsession. Some say, Demonias created his favorite vassel that day. A man so dark of soul, so twisted, that the entire overworld went to war to stop him.
World War II, the greatest chess match ever to be played by Demonias and The Man Upstairs!
“And so you will try to make the Devil cry?” Benny asked.
“That is what I said!”
“That’s impossible!”
“Not impossible; only improbable. But I believe that where thousand have failed, I will be successful,”
“By being clever and telling Him the truth. No more lies,”
“And what will you tell Him?”
“Those words are for Him alone!”
“How will you get close enough to speak with Him?”
“You are the key,”