Height of Suspicion
“Being afraid of heights is really a fear that you will throw yourself off”
Her words went through my mind, and I pondered her death. She was never afraid of heights, and yet thats how she died. She was found in front of her building, her arms splayed about to and fro, her neck and legs in akward positions, her skull broken in half,all the bones on the left side of her face crushed, and various other bones broken. It was definitely going to be a closed casket ceromony.
It was written off as a homcide, they say she was beaten before she reached the ground, not that it matters, she was pushed off the top of a 30 floor building. Her apartment was found awry. But maybe it was a suicide?
Either way I WILL get to the bottom of my mothers death. Putting who/what ever is responsible for this to the side, some one WILL pay.