
It's Cold Here

The world was cold. An accident, she was born into a broken home. Parents broken up before she was born. Her father didn’t want her so her mother took care. Two sisters later her mother was always gone. Her stepfather feigned responsibility for the three. After seven years her absent father came back and wanted his child. Disowned by her stepfather, she was taken from her mother by this stranger. They got to know each other. But maybe he wanted to know her a bit too well. The next four years consisted of happiness and abuse, two things that rarely go together. He abandoned her at age twelve, dropping her off at her mother’s empty house Christmas Eve. She found love and mental instability. In just one year she had gone through four therapists and hospitalized seven times for her own stupidity. Finally she realizes the pain of living and wonders what it’s like dying. But it’s cold here too.

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