
Pixie [Part 2]

“Care to share?” I asked as he pulled another cigarette from it’s pack.
“Sure thing.” He handed one over. I lit up thinking about how lucky I was. After waiting for nothing, I found something. Little did I know what fun would come out of that 30 minute car ride.

“The name’s David. What do you go by?”
“I’m Lisbeth. But people call me Pixie.”
“Pixie. Cute.” He smirked.
“Mmm.” I was in no mood for sarcasm. “Where are we going?”
“My place if you don’t mind. I’ve got some friends waiting for me. Something tells me you’d get along with them just fine.” What was this guy up to?
“Sure. That’s fine.” I was dying of hunger. My stomach growled. Hopefully this man had food. And more cigarettes. Lots more. And he didn’t even know me. How was he so sure I’d like these friends of his? I pondered all of this as we drove up beside a huge house. I guess I’ll call it a mansion, but it wasn’t entirely humongous. It was snow white with a beautiful evergreen on either side of the front door.

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