
Easily Impressed

Natalie’s mouth opened in an O. Funny that she’d be taken in by a levitating Rubix Cube after everything else she’d seen today.

“But how do you do that? Is it like telekinesis? I saw a show on TLC all about it the other night.”

Anthony let the Rubix Cube fall gently back down into his hand and pocketed it. “I don’t know,” he answered truthfully as he ran a hand through his hair. “All I know is that a month ago, nothing like this had ever happened to me before.”

All of a sudden, a growling sound was heard inside the elevator. Natalie’s eyes widened even further. Anthony just patted his stomach with a wry grin.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t eat any breakfast today. Still think that pizza you brought is any good?”

The box was lying on the elevator floor by Natalie’s feet. She picked it up and lifted the lid. It had stuck a bit to the pizza, but the aroma that wafted from the cheese was so appetizing that both their mouths watered.

“Smells good to me. Let’s go eat this upstairs,” she said with a smile.

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