What kid doesnt like video games, Love the Norbert name,
A Pitfall reference would have been nice. But other than that, great story.
I’m more of a Frogger girl myself, but what they hey. Cute little trip down memory lane.
@ Ana Memory Lane? You where in a body cast? i am sorry i could change the story.
LOL ! Summer just became good again! I love the “shrew”! I can just picture the happiness at securing a seat in the steamy attic with an Atari being crushed by discovery.
ATARI in hand? You had a LYNX ? Awesome. No wait, that thing sucked. The TurboExpress was really the way to go, or even a Game Gear.
sounds like an ideal summer pastime, if you like video games.
♠Ana Cristina♥
Mighty-Joe Young
Mistress Elsha Hawk
John Perkins