
A Letter From a Grieving Father to his Son

Dear Son,
I was going through boxes of your stuff and I came across stories you wrote and paintings that you painted, cards and letters you wrote to your Mother and I.

I cried like I haven’t since she died. I guess because the dreaded anniversary of your death is coming up soon.

A suicide is but one death, I die a hundred times a day thinking of you and missing you so much.
I do know why, but I have so many questions that will remain forever unanswered. I will have to wait t until I see you in Heaven to ask them.
Did you think what it would do to me? Your brothers, nieces and nephews who loved you so much? And your friends?

I wish you were here to talk to. Since your mother passed away you have been my rock, got me through the days after we buried her.
I need to cry with you, laugh and remember the good times.
You helped me through my grief. I wish I could have helped you as much through yours.

When you died by your own hand, you changed my world forever. I lost my hero.
Love Dad

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