Rut-Roh Reorge! Hot chick at the office! Ey babe, whatchoosay we sidle on down to the coffee-bar and then we wink wink nudge nudge yeah? I like the hum-drum feel of the ficlet, and then BAM . You go all AMINAL on Val. “Woman! Woman!” Also, a very distinct film-noir feel to the inner dialog.
Ok, I really should stop and just go to bed. I did read your Twist entry before this, which was depressing. But I still got you confused with JMSquire as the author of “Spin. Click. Pass.” Sorry about that. In any case, I did very much enjoy this particular ficlet. Let’s just pretend my previous two comments are like aliens. We know they’re out there, but only crazy people claim to have seen them. =D
Great setting up everything drab and dreary and then letting her walk in like a ray of sunshine. Very well written. She’s captivating and his response is thoroughly believable.
♠Ana Cristina♥
John Perkins
John Perkins
John Perkins