
No did he read it!!

“Awwww its morning already,” I sat up in bed after a good nights sleep.

” I know I’ll write in my new blog. That should be fun.,” I had just made a blod the other day off AIM .

The night before I wrote forever about my very special one. For some reason I just could’nt get him out of my head.

“Alright here we go ok le….,” I stoped in a panic,” NO NO NO OH MY GOSH THIS CAN ’T BE HAPPENING .”

I screamed a little while longer untill I got tired and stoped to lay down on the floor.

“I was sure to make it private for me only,” I was so scared, ” maybe only my AIM buddys could see it.”
“WAIT OH NO he’s one of my AIM buddys.”

All I knew was that someone had read it and left a message that had my name in it along with the names of my other friends from school.

I had to call my friends all of them said they were’nt ever on AIM or their computers at all that day.

Monday morning at school I asked him,”so were you on AIM at all this weekend?”

No my computer blew up

WHAT ???

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