A New Game
Even Walt got into the game as they laughed at all the pictures of couples, kissing and hugging with captions like 4/19/07-4eva.
“Since when was everyone at Central High in a couple?” Clara asked.
Walt shrugged. “Apparently we’re the only ones not in a relationship.”
“Judging the way they all feel the need to plaster their pages with corny love songs and pics of them making out with bull under it that says my boo, we’re the only sane ones left.”
“Well as much time as we spend together we might as well be a couple,” Walt pointed out.
Clara suddenly turned to face Walt, grinning widely. “You know what would be funny?”
Walt squinted at her suspiciously. “No.”
“If we pretended to be a couple,” Clara suggested.
“Hell no!” Walt cried. “How am I supposed to hook up this summer with a ‘girlfriend’?”
“It’ll be a joke,” Clara said. “We’ll put idiotic but romantic pics of us up and everything. We’ll make our pages so ridiculous people will know we’re faking. It’ll be more fun than doing nothing.”
“Hmm, I don’t know…”