Howdy, Wait.. What?
His words chimed in my head softly, but loud enough to startle me offgaurd at the randomest moments. I had to remind myself that he had a girlfriend, on the he used the L word with. And meant it.
Early morning he slid into the desk in front of me. My eyes focused. No one talked to me in this class.
He held out his hand for some sort of handshake thingy. With admirable patience he guided me threw it. I briefly wondered if all the slaps and claps and miscalleaneous gestures were measley excuses for him to touch my hand.
“No,” I said simply, when he was done.
“No?” He was happier today.
I shook my head, grinning still.
“God, you’re pretty amazing.”
I hung my head, blocking my enormous smile from his view. But embarressment shook my ribs and fluttered my intestines. Friend. Friend. Friend.
He took my movement as discouragement and he too, hung his head. Only his acting was dramatic and well staged.
“These feelings aren’t mutual!” he cried.
“What?” I asked. Friend?