Psh, who cares if it’s bad? Like I said, I’m not looking for high quality poetry (or even good quality poetry for that matter), I’m looking for people who have the gumption to swallow their prose for one measly ficlet and just write a small epic (wait, is that an oxymoron?) And anyway, your Unexpected Twist entry was in poetry, and it was good! What d’ya mean you “don’t do poetry”?!
Heehee, that was fun to write. You have to kind of go into it reading it like a salty old fisherman and allow for a lot of slant rhyme, but it’s a poem and tells of a hero true. Enjoy!
Poetry is my first love, so I will definitely be entering this. To make it interesting, I might do an cinquain. Great challenges, by the way! I enjoyed posting for your Sing-Song Challenge and I have a feeling I’m going to like this one, too.
I had written my entry a while ago but some of it didn’t flow too well so I did A LOT of editing and adding on as well. I was really happy to see a poetry challenge because I really enjoy writing it.
THX 0477
g2 (la pianista irlandesa)
THX 0477
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
♠Ana Cristina♥
♠Ana Cristina♥
John Perkins
♠Ana Cristina♥