
Midnight Ride Interrupted{Twisted History Challenge}

Paul Revere was riding his horse through the streets of Boston, shouting, “The British are coming .. the British… ,” until he was suddenly silenced by a bullet to his throat.

“Jolly good shot Capt. Henry, now they won’t know of our arrival,” said General Monty Chapman, as he adjusted the sleeves of his red coat.
“Element of surprise I say General, the only way to win a bloody war,” replied the proud captain.

Crossing the Charles River in silence, the British Regulars advanced upon Lexington, un seen and unheard.

Outside the Hancock-Clarke House, soldiers in red coats stood at the ready in all directions, John Adams looking out of the window, turned to his host, JOHN HANCOCK , and said, “Why weren’t we given any warning?”

The British fired upon the house, set it on fire, causing the two patriots to emerge, with their hands in the air, surrendering.

They were placed under arrest.

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