the lock in (1)
I have good news and some bad news.
The good news is that tonight is the lock in at school. Hooray, and guess who’s going to be there. Yes him, I couldn’t ask for more than to be locked in a building with him for one whole night.
Bad news, I can’t be with him for one whole night because my parents are over protective. I can’t believe them I’ve been going to this school for years now, and they won’t let me stay. I guess its because they care. Whatever.
When I arrived that I first went to go drop off my coat in one of the class room. It was still cold then with snow and everything. I was even wearing mittens, but not because I was cold, but because he got them for me last Christmas.
I wear them everywhere during winter as a reminder of him. Not that I need a reminder since he’s always on my mind.
After I had droped my coat off I went to the gym to look for him. I knew he’d be by one of the basketball hoops, and I was right. As soon as I layed eyes on him I froze.