
Hazel turns to Steel

Melanie receives a text from her brother.. “Where R U ” She replies.. In limo..with friend.. Getting fucked up..U”. Moments later. his reply with some friends in jet doing stuff Melanie reads to herself. She gets a second message moments later..Ur still mad right? She responds with a brief answer..
nope! I always drugging and drinking when im happy!

She puts her phone in a concealed compartment and looks at Avery. She tries desperately to not let her emotions become visible. She quickly pours herself another drink.. This time, she adds more vodka..

“Some family tension?” Avery asks with a raised eyebrow.

“That Ethan, he’s so…hard to reach out to.” Melanie admits. Sadness takes over her face, it shows up around her lips and her eyes. The Hazel flecks turn to steel.

Avery puts a comforting arm around his friend. He knows how she feels. Needing to reach out and feel like there is nobody there. He has felt that way too. His eyes gaze at her in wonder.

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