
Inside Hamptons Mansion

Once inside, the place immerses them in silence.. The only thing audible to them, is the sound of the surf in the distance.

The dim light plays tricks on their eyes.. Melanie turns the lights on, so they can safely get their bearings. Avery looks around the place.. taking in its visual offerings. He walks around silent, as if he is viewing a house to purchase.

Melanie walks over to the counter, Her heels making noises on the wood floor as she walks. She stands at the island after placing her keys and purse on the granite surface. She watches Avery, in his amusement and amazement with this place. She wishes she could remove herself from her jaded position and join him in his reaction.

“Av.. would you like something from the fridge.. something else to drink?” Melanie offered, as she was motioning toward the fridge with her head. “This place is amazing.” He spoke as he walks toward her. Keeping her in his sight. His balance falters due to the alcohol and pill combo. “Let’s eat” Mel suggests.

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