“I just feel like I’m not very important…..”
I said quetly into the reciever.
“To me…or in general?”
“To you.”
“We need to hang out.”
I wasn’t sure if he was trying to change the subject, or if he really did want to spend more time together.
“I’m free tomorrow…. I’m going to Jade’s house, but I can just go home with you, than meet her later if you want.”
“Sounds great. But I better get some sleep. Sweet dreams.”
The line went dead.
He was the kind of guy who never stayed in one place for long.
I knew that our relationship would be short, because it was never smooth sailing.
His friend Riley was determined to get him. I was so sure she would win it was near impossible not to just wave a white flag and walk away with what dignity I had left.
The whole next day was anticipation.
Waiting to spend time with him.
Wishing the clock would hit 2:15.
counting each individual second on the clock until finally I heard the chime of that godly bell.