
Penny Lane

“Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes!” I shouted to the world as I leaped across the wet pavement in the pelting rain, hand in hand with him.
I woke up with a jolt at the crackling sound of the thunder and lightning right outside my window. I knew those words I spoke in my dream didn’t make any sense but I was hoping that the scene had been real. I miss him more than he could ever know.
I have these dreams, you see, where he and I are back together; nothing ever happened to our relationship. But these dreams are so far from reality. In the real world, where thunder plucks you out of your fantasy world, he and I couldn’t be more apart.
I was too high strung before. I figured I would find another but never did. He’s not much of a talker now and I find myself longing to hear his voice or find a handwritten letter in the mail from him, telling me about his new life in California.
The rain blew hard against my window so I drowned it out with my Beatles music. “Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes…..”

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