
Bagman: Take a Good Look

Glass exploded outwards from high on the west side of the building, followed by a large shape and a billowing plume of smoke. A body, a man, flailing helplessly.

At the same instant as the glass fell in a tinkling symphony to the concrete, the body smashed into my cruiser, behind me. Tortured metal bent, gave, shattered under the force of impact, and more glass blew outwards, sprinkling me.

“Someone’s gonna pay for that.” I walked to one of the other cruisers, grabbed out the radio and set the frequency. Glared up at the VTOL hovering over the scene. “You get a look in there?”

Too much smoke. It’s clearing, wait…wait. One guy. Think he’s injured,” Kent, the news pilot, said. “Black clothing, short…maybe 5’4”. Looking for something…shit, gotta drop out. FD is here.

“Fuck FD!” I shouted. Small clumps of survivors were still bleeding out of the building. Some fuck-up with the alarms. “Get a look at him!”

The VTOL edged closer to the building, bucking against wind-currents.

Fuck! It’s him!

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