
so begins the end

the question is asked . will you know the truth when you see it? the bullet is clear. yet even the forensics expert didnt ask himself why? why is it clear?
would a picture from a tourists camera capture this much detail? from a bullet fired from a rifle at 3300 feet per second? his nice olympus om1 35 mm camera fires its shutter . it captures an image in one 2000th of a second. an image in which the bullet would not even be a blurr much less clear . so they missed the fact that a special high speed camera had to be used. and they missed the fact that she had to be important enough to do that. and important enough to bring in untraceable bulletts,and rifles and more to the point that they had to pay me a very large amount to shoot that bullet out of that rifle, in that place, at that time. and that they wanted the world to know this, and see this in high speed closeup. they wanted the question to be asked. now what is the answer? and why do they want you to know it?

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