
Silence Broken

Melanie joins him at the table with sandwiches in tow. She serves him one and then herself. Followed by a salad. After they have been served, she pours herself some lemonade.

“We had fun last night, right?” Melanie inquires before beginning her meal. Avery looks at her, and regards her question. “I think so..yeah.. drunk fun” He agrees.

The two of them say very little..they begin enjoying their meal. Several minutes go by before either of them say a word..
The tranquil silence is interrupted by Melanie’s cellphone. She walks over to the island counter, and retrieves her phone. Returning to her seat,to see what the ruckus was about.

Another text message from Ethan : Where are you Now?
Melanie sighs, still irritated by his needing to know where she is. She slides out the keyboard and sends a reply:
The Beach House.. spent the night here.. Why? Her reply is sent.

Avery watches as the Gibson siblings communicate via text message. “Ignore him.. if he’s going to be a nuisance” He suggests.

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