

Buckler writhed under the mechanical bear, its teeth of found bone and metal chomping down at him. He stabbed at its hide, trying to find an exposed patch or a joint, but nothing gave way.
Then the stranger fired two bolts at the Remnoid’s head; one at the frothing jaw, and one between the eyes. Roaring, it leaned off Buckler, and began to swipe toward the stranger in a blind fury. Buckler picked up an EMP charge, but before he could throw it the stranger leapt at the disabled animal.
He punched through the beast’s shell, ripping out electronic organs and ignoring its painful cries. Then, as the last sparks of life left its body, the stranger ripped out the bear’s throat, opened his own mouth wide, and with no hesitation devoured it: trachea, esophagus, and part of the spine.
Buckler was too awestruck to get up. Pieces of his arm and forehead had been taken out, probably still in the bear’s throat, and sparks leapt across the gaps, maddening his pain receptors. But he was too afraid to notice.

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