
The Gnippers Are Summoned, A Circle Is Made

“We are not men! And we’re wearing hats, nice ones, in fact!” shouted one of the complete Lords Of Time. “That does it! A bad Moody Blues pun, a reference to ‘Biker Like An Icon’ and ‘Silly Love Songs’ within a span of, what, three ficlets? And now you sing ‘Safety Dance’ at us? Have you no sense of… Hell, call the Foul Gnippers Beyond Time! The Circle Is Divided By The Diameter! The Balance will be preserved!

Sir Ronald whimpered. For a brief moment, he continued to exist as a mildly amusing idea, then vanished.

Lionel sank onto his haunches, inhaled and exuded thousands of bright red streamers with the words wow, this is a really hot fire typed on them in 12-point Courier New. A cloud of Foul Gnippers fell upon the streamers, opening their protruding mouths to reveal hundreds of tiny white Liquid Paper brushes. They amended the fire and redacted Lionel within seconds.

Cindy screamed, “My diet is not going well. I wish I could say it is going well but it is not going well. I am hungry.”

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