
A B-movie-ish turn

“So, have you much experience working with garments? I don’t really have many standards when it comes to a human wearer. I’m really just looking for a gal or guy of any size who would like a cozy red ribbed sweater knitted by a sweet old grandma. You sound like just the person, Penelope. Let’s go out for coffee tomorrow, you and me.”
Normally, Penelope was very cautious about making dates. Normally, Penelope would never think of answering a personal ad, except perhaps as a joke. But there was something about that voice that was simply irresistable. It reminded her of curling up by the space heater on a winter’s night, reading a good book (or watching mediocre television, as was more likely). She gave into the merino-cashmere blend’s sweet seductions.
And this was just what the sweater wanted. A human host to accept him, to allow him to work his influence. For this sweater was no ordinary sweater. It was a creature from Beyond. And tomorrow, it had a date with Destiny. Mocha-flavored, caffeinated Destiny.

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