ha ha a drag queen administering a swirly thats hilarious.. like the metaphor to a Amish baptism. Good stuff. the ending was quite poetic as well.. So I do have to agree with the others on that one.. there is an exotic beauty in your choice of words, and how you chose to use them.
aesthetically, this was perfectly written in a cruel imperfectly happy way. heh, I just wanted to let you know this is bizarre and you need to add an ‘a’ to aesthetically. :)
Absolutely deranged.. in a good way. I loved it. All the way to “He quit movin’”, which I think is my favorite ending. I can just picture it so perfectly. (And what’s even more deranged- is the fact that I have Lestat’s Piano Sonata as background music. ;D)
Ah, so this is the drag queen spoken of in the magazine from the other ficlet. Now I get it. The line “naw, I need more time in the toilet,” reminds me of “The Big Lebowski.” Which is a good thing.
umm this story is funny cuz it could be true …if i weren’t pretty sure that the gossip would have got to me eventually i would say that it was…. but drag queen swirlies would have been too delicious not to talk about…
♠Ana Cristina♥
Mistress Elsha Hawk
Mighty-Joe Young
John Perkins