A Date With a Dress
“There’s nothing better than leather pants,” growled Leda as she got dressed in a huff. Her roommate and fiance, Teddy, stood in the next room, running a comb through his rather unruly hair. “Nothing better!”
Teddy poked his head into the bedroom, where she was hunched, dressed only in her flowy silver tank top and the risque lace underwear that she always wore when she and Teddy went to his parents’ house.
“What are you yelling about?” Teddy asked with an addictive smile.
“I’m wearing my leather pants, regardless of what you think your mother will accept,” Leda announced stubbornly. “They’re me. I’m not throwing on some ridiculous floral dress just so she’ll serve me some crappy dinner.”
Teddy glared at her. He waved his hand at her with annoyance. Then, he turned on his heel and left the bedroom. Leda regarded the wall with defeat and strode over to her closet.
She searched through the rows of clothing hanging on the rod across their closet.
“I hate dresses.”