Jerry, Jerry
The sensation of being unknown held a certain, power. It was the freedom of being able to say anything on his mind, anything at all, and never having to worry about being discovered. It was, perhaps, the biggest thrill he had ever felt.
Sitting on his desktop computer, a late model dell with just enough umph to carry him across the internet, Jerry Anderson studied his list of friends, wondering which would be his next victim.
His stomach began to grown, “maybe its time for a break” he thought, standing up and walking across his the tiny living room of his magnificently small beach front studio apartment. He seemed to have just enough room to stretch out his arms and be able to touch any of the walls surrounding him. His fridge opened with a loud “SPLACK” sort of sound, Jerry had a strong feeling this particular model was amongst one of the first refrigerators ever made. Jerry looked across the room, the ideas running thru his mind seemed to invigorate him. He smiled, and had lunch.