The Requiem of Earth
The black hole entered our solar system in the year 997,501 BC. It distorted the cloud of comets circling our sun and pushed them away towards us. Its first target was the Sun. Almost one million years later, “Three” was finishing his breakfast. He lived on a large field at the base of the Rocky Mountains. A road unraveled a carpet of dirt to his cabin in the middle of the field. Like most people in his region, he was an “Apollo.” The Apollos were a secret society that started forty years ago in 2010 when the solar energy industry was banned for causing blackouts. The Apollos believed that the sun can not die and there is no other source for energy. Three go up from his seat and started to plow his field. About two hours later, when the sun was overhead he sat in the middle of his field and used his homemade telescope to look at the sun. His father was fired from the industry when Three was only two and so they moved out into the deserted west. Recently, earthquakes occurred daily and aches fell. It began.