A sky only we can see.
There’s a sky only we can see. The others, they can’t see it and they never will. They’re too limited, too … too … I don’t even know what to call it. Maybe a few of them might catch a glimpse here, a glance there, but even if they do they won’t know what they’re seeing.
What’s this, you say? You don’t know how that could be? Well, to be perfectly honest, neither do I. But we don’t need to know how it could be, we just need to know that it’s there.
No, no, it’s there, I promise you it is. I know you say you don’t see it, that no one else can see it, but that’s the point. It’s a sky only we can see. But you will see it. That will come, in time.
Yes, there’s a sky only we can see. And someday we’ll see it.