
Kelly's Dream [scavenger hunt challenge]

“Camillo!! I had the weirdest dream last night!!” Kelly told me in the lunch line.

“What was it?” I asked, grabbing a tray. It had 23 written with black sharpie on it. I shrugged and listened to Kelly.

“It was crazy! I woke up (my dream-self, not the real me) and there was a mango shaped space in my door! I don’t know what made it mango shaped, but that’s what my dream-self thought it was at the time.

“Anyway, so I’m sitting there, wondering how that happened when Loreli from Gilmore Girls runs into my room and shouts ‘Hurry! All the young dudes are dead!’

Then she starts trying to pull me out of bed, but I’m like, ‘chill, they’ve been dead since 1993’.

But apparently I’m speaking in Chineze or something cause she’s like ‘What? English would be nice you know. I can only speak English for God’s sake!’

“So I just sit there confused, until Rory comes in and shouts, ‘Why is everyone still in here?! We were supposed to follow the star to Pasadena an hour ago!’

“And then I wake up.”

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