
Unloved but inlove

“I told you Saphire I don’t love you I love Silver.”

“I don’t care about her I love you!” Growls softly and kisses him roughly.

The man growls softly and steps back, “What the hell are you doing?! I don’t love you the only person I love is Silver!”

“Like I care you said that when me and Chaos broke up be with me!”

“Yeah, that was over two years ago when I had a crush on you! I’ve moved on! And I have a fiance! I’m sorry but I won’t cheat on her for you.”

“Ray.. I can’t stand this and I’m sorry it’s just, I’ve felt this way for so long now it’s going to be hard to get over it..”

“Saphire..” Ray walked over and hugged her close, “I’m sorry I truly am.. but you are going to have to move on I am getting married in a few monthes..”

She burried her face into his chest crying, no sobbing, “Ray-kun..!”

“Sapphire don’t cry.. you’ll find someone I promise..”

She smiled and looked at him, “Really think so?”


(This has NO relation to my life Irl. Just wanted to do a realistic story)

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