
Checkout Line (Scavenger Hunt Challenge)

Bella Watson shuffled through her wallet as the cashier finished ringing her up. The guy behind her gabbed on and on to some girl after him, something about converting to his religion. She tried not to listen as he went on about how he knew her family. Bella shook her head.

“What’s your name again? I told you how I met your mother!” the man pressed, and the woman shook her head, he continued asking her, “Come on, I’m Robert, you know me. I’m the historian.” he offered, extending a hand.

“Sabrina.” The cashier cleared his throat, and Bella blushed.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“19.88.” he repeated, “You saved $5.91. Here’s your cabbage.” She nodded and thrust a wrinkled $20 in his general direction, tuning back in to the religious nut and his target.

“But you’re so perfect for our church!” the girl locked eyes with Bella, and she stepped past her.

“Us girls, we are so Magical. Don’t talk to him.” and was out the door.

“We have a center in Long Beach!” he smiled. Bella took her change and ran.

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