
My life if it were a Bookshelf

My book shelf, stands at almost five feet tall. It is a sturdy structure that is of some wooden material. Be it oak or chestnut or what have you.

You will immediately notice that my bookshelf has a random assortment of items held in its care. You will find my Oasis book, that I had purchased on vacation years ago. Not too far from that, you will find, my two favorite novels from Ana Maxted.
Also, you will see my copy of Where or When and Beach Glass. Two of my favorite novels, from Anita Shreeve.

Almost positive, I am the type that keeps more than books stored in a bookshelf. For me, you would find framed pictures. My most treasured framed photo is of my friends and I at the beach. This picture was taken this past April. I have a photo of my three best friends. These three people are very important to me, their friendships define who I am as a person. The impact they have on my life is so special. Aside from my friends I have a photo of my family and two departed pets. And some fractal art pieces.

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