B.A. Romero's Monster Mash-Up Challenge
145 Ficlets, a random time for a challenge, but here it is anyway…
So the way this challenge goes is this… Take the characters from one ficlet, story, book, movie, or show, and place them in the setting from another ficlet, story, book, movie or show. How would these characters react in that situation?
As an example, I’ve included a mash-up I wrote earlier, including the crew from Ocean’s 11 in the Die Hard setting. Certainly Danny Ocean and the boys would have handled the robbery of the Nakatomi building with more finesse than Hans Gruber did, and they might even get out the door without John McClaine ever having gotten involved. (Incidentally, if you want to sequel that mash-up, feel free)
So… who would you like to see in another setting?