
The orphanage 17

Everyone gasped, Lucas fell to the ground, then looked up, tears in his eyes, “I don’t even know you anymore!” “I- I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-” Aleena stammered, but was cut off, “HOW COULD YOU ?!” Screamed Abigail, rushing over to Lucas to help him up. “I don’t know what came over me, I’m sorry!” said Aleena, on the verge of tears. “You have no right to cry!” Sophia said, “don’t even act like you’re sorry, because you’re not!” “I am though!” cried Aleena, tears now streaking down her face. “OK EVERYONE SHUT UP !” screamed Fay, “If anyone has the right to be mad at Aleena, it should be me and Lucas, but I’m not.” “Thank you.” choked Aleena, “But no, they all have a right to be mad.” As Fay makes a move to get up, Lucas, who was watching her, rushes over to help.

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