Wow… total bad-date’age!!!But i doubt it’s her last! :) Great fic!
Wow… total bad-date’age!!!But i doubt it’s her last! :)
Great fic!
Oh, man. I had a date go like that once, a blind date. It was horrible. I raised my standards after that one. So, I feel for poor Sally.
claps Ha! I absolutely love it, especially the opening.
The first paragraph was fantastic, and I can truly empathize with Sally. Bad dates suck.
ouch! I agree with ALRO , it probably won’t be her last, but I think she’ll take a hiatus for a little while. :)
I love the story. The question mark after “If brains have lungs” might need to changed to a period. Also, the inserted statement “(the ride was only $14.50)” seemed to slow the pace, and didn’t add to her frame of mind.
I agree with Krulltar. As I read this, I felt myself identifying with it. You portrayed that frame of mind very well. Good work!
I agree with Krulltar.
As I read this, I felt myself identifying with it. You portrayed that frame of mind very well. Good work!
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
♠Ana Cristina♥
Mistress Elsha Hawk