Sitting here and thinking about, well, a lot of things, I can’t help, but feel a bit of gratitude. Gratitude to my friends, gratitude to Ficlets. Thanks is what I guess I’m trying to say.
Ficlets. Well, um, it’s been quite a year. Just a lot of stuff has happened. Ficlets has been my escape from it all. It’s hard to explain, but I don’t think I would of handled things as well without it. So thanks, for everyone who comments on my work, and to those that just read it.
Friends. You know, my friends… wow… we laugh at the stupidest things. Some people just don’t understand us, and I think that’s okay. We aren’t made to become friends with everyone. You find that group that knows you, misses you, and can’t imagine life without you and those are the people who you care about. So guys, as we strive for success in high school, and everywhere after that, just don’t forget me… Because you know years from now, I might show up on your doorstep because I never could forget you.