Nice bit of intrigue here, adding in the free masons and his dad noticing them as well. You’ve got a bit of dilemma going here though, as the dad walks up to the driver’s side window, then opens the door for his son, who is a passenger. Not that it’s important in the scheme of things, unless of course you’re some random jerk on the internet who enjoys pointing out the mistakes of others to boost your fragile self-esteem. Or something. . Five stars for having to read that comment.
john this is part 9 have you been drinking? and i did say passenger window are you ok? just messin wit ya thanks i meant the front door to the hpouse but had to edit words and didnt realize it made no sense and the wrong number i just dont have a clue thanks again.
Boy, oh boy. Now I’ve gotta go and drag out the thinkin’ cap. (Been doing a lot of looking up of Illuminati and Masons and such, only it was for the other series, didn’t expect them to show up here.) Great way to wind the families together, never know what secrets small towns hold. Until tragedy strikes, then they seem to unravel a little at a time. Should be fun. ;)
John Perkins
John Perkins
Mighty-Joe Young