
Lover or Cheater?

He was really an amazing guy. Any girl would want him as their own. He was smart, funny, amazingly good looking, and he just knew the right things to say to make a girl feel special. Now who would want to deal with someone who was that perfect? Well, about every girl who laid eyes on him, and me, but why did he every love me? What did I have to offer? A little comfort on a lonely night? A shoulder to lean on to know he wasn’t completely alone. If only I knew that he thought so much more of me. If only I knew that, if I got involved, he would break my heart. I shouldn’t have fallen in love with him.

I saw him with that other girl. I’ve never seen anything so passionate; full of lust. I thought he loved me! That’s what he said! That’s what I believed! Oh, how I was wrong! He deserves to be punished! He deserves to feel the hurt I felt. He would learn his lesson. I would make sure of it.

My carma will be nothing compared to his!

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