Latex gloves?! You’re too much, tbs. I don’t know if I’m brave enough to sequel this. I might just go check up on Jameson and Prandi. It’s been a while.
Holy cow, that cop ain’t messin’ around. And is the sasquatch comment warranted? I’m not all that familiar with these characters yet. Is she big and hairy, or just tall?
@ John: laughing at your comment. I don’t think Sasquatch is warranted as she’s just tall. I think the officer just likes giving off-color nicknames maybe. Five stars to the first person who comes up with a better term than ‘Sasquatch’ that has nine or fewer characters!
I think Sasquatch works well, especially if she is tall. I was thinking she was more short and scrappy. And probably a red head given that she’s completely nuts.
♠Ana Cristina♥
♠Ana Cristina♥
John Perkins
John Perkins