
Like a Charm

From a distance, Sassy watched as Paul ran straight into a telephone pole.

“Ouch! That’s gotta hurt,” she said, wincing in sympathy despite herself.

She watched as the cop stood menacingly over Paul’s prone form, dangling his taser from one hand.

“Oh no, looks like bro’s gonna get tased,” she whispered, only to sigh in relief as the officer helped Paul up to his feet. Then the officer did something curious – he pulled out his flashlight to study a scrap of paper that Paul handed him out of his wallet.

“My Sassy sense is tingling. Better go see what’s going on.”

She crept closer to where the officer and Paul were talking on the sidewalk. Safely hidden behind a tree, Sassy was able to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Why do you have a prescription for Viagra? You’re just a teenager.”

“Hey, I turn 20 next March! And, um, that’s private.”

“Viagra, huh. The wife’s wanted me to try this out. Say, tell me something, boy. Off the record, of course. Does it work?”

“Like a charm, officer, like a charm.”

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