
Marauder Evasion

“Tasha, tell me!

Nyet. Is not beink good think to know.”

Now I was starting to get a little ticked off. “You know that you only make me want to know even more when you answer that way, right?”

“Cannot be helpink that. Ada, I am beink under orders not to tell you this think if you are not already knowink it. You know expression, ‘Could be tellink you but then be havink to kill you?’ Is like that. If superiors findink out I slipped, beink in hot water without paddle.”

“So I can’t ask anyone else either. Right.” I sighed. “Can you at least give me a hint? Is it bigger than a breadbox?” She didn’t answer. “Right. Okay, I’ll drop it. For now.”

Tasha sounded relieved. “Spasibo. Shall we be goink?”

“Yeah, sure.” I glanced out the window at the other bay, where the last few people were entering the “Processing” room. PROCESSED …Processing. Would my answers be found beyond those doors?

But now was not the time to go looking. I relaxed into the seat, closed my eyes, and let Tasha handle the driving.

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