
You May Be Right

“You may be right,” Leyna sighed, as she placed the bowls in the cupboard. “You always are.” Somehow, the words weren’t hers.
Russell shrugged. “I’m just saying, no sister of mine is gonna sit at home every weekend.” It’s the thought that counts.
Leyna pushed her black hair away from her face. She had cut it short years ago, for some reason. She’d said something about it being easier to manage. That was a joke.
“You ever consider the possibility that I’m crazy?” she teased her brother.
“Plenty of times; come to tomorrow night, please?” He begged.
“I have to check with Richie,” Leyna nodded. “We might be doing something.”
Russell filled his cheeks with air and let it out slowly. “Fine, call me and let me know.”

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