
I Know

You know, it feels good,
To finally break from these habits.
What was once depression has become strength,
And I love what has happened.

You know, its just amazing,
How the worst thing in my life had become my best.
Its ironic, but that’s life,
And god is there a lot of it lately.

You know, I don’t mind,
I actually enjoy all this irony for one good reason.
It has taught me a lot about this world,
And it has taught me even more of a man named Micheal.

You know, you were right,
I’m not this horrible person I once claimed.
Especially not now, not after what has occurred,
I have finally become a man, and I love it.

You know, I’m finally fixed,
The parts of me which didn’t work now do.
On the contrary, to my distaste,
The rest has become unclear.

You know, its alright,
I don’t mind a little confusion here and there.
I enjoy living amongst ignorance,
I take pleasure in knowing nothing.

You know, that is a lie,
I hate being the ignorant man I am.
But I know one thing,
Everything will be alright without you.

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