
Marauder Sniper

The bottom of the passenger seat flipped up, revealing Sasha’s personal weapons locker. I pulled out my harness and slapped it on, checked the load in the .357 automatic sidearm, then pulled out the case for the collapsible beam rifle.

A clever little gadget, I thought as I slapped it together. This gun represented the pinnacle of Marauder science. It projected a phase-pulse plasma beam that could even hurt an automech on a direct hit. I would plant myself safely out of the way of physical danger while my partner went in close, then I could back her up through the ‘scope. So the theory went, anyway.

Tasha let me out at the corner next to a utility pole, a block away from the house. Am testink comms. Check check? Tasha sent through my mastoid implant.

Check, I subvocalized back, then started climbing. Within just a few moments, I was perched at the top of the pole, with an excellent line of sight on the Aegis house.

Then to be lettink games begin!

I held my breath as Tasha rolled up the street.

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