
Edward's Resolve

It was as if the world came crashing to my feet. I gripped the arm of a chair so tightly I felt it crumble to mere shavings on the ground.

I dimly registered that Jasper had entered the room, but mostly I noticed because of the pervading sense of numbness that suddenly enveloped me.

“Don’t overdo it, Jasper,” Alice hissed, and I raised my head to look at her.

“Where is she?”

“The images keep changing, like she can’t make up her mind where to go. But I don’t think she’s going to see Charlie. She’s decided against that, for now.”

I made myself say the words. “Will she go to La Push?”

This time her voice was very soft. “I’m not sure. But I don’t think so. She knows she’s not allowed…”

“I’m going. Will you come with me?”


“Anywhere. I can’t stay here like this. I’ve got to find her.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to be found,” Jasper said, and I resisted the urge to snarl at him.

“It’s only the third day,” I snapped.

“Edward’s right,” Carlisle said, ending the argument. “We need to find Bella.”

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