
The New Boy, The Old Boy, and The Present Boy: Part 7

I ran home after school. I was so excited to see Kyle!
He was the same age as me, but we were just friends. Really Good friends, Best friends. I hadn’t see him in 4 years!
I opened the front door and ran inside. I stopped in the hallway and peeked into the den. There he was, sitting on the couch.
OMG . He was hott!
I walked slowly into the den. I stopped dead in my tracks, and stared. He stopped talking to my dad and stared. I was a dead silence. We both just stood there for a moment, staring.
Was it love? No! It’s not at all! I have a boyfriend! Wait! What if he thought it was love! I had to stop this right now!
“Hey Kyle! Um…Uh…How’s it going?”
He smiled. A cute smile. A very cute smile!
“Good! Whoa! You look a lot different!
Did he think I was pretty?
“Uh, You two!”
He got up from the couch, and pretended to model down the runway. That was Kyle, the same old Kyle. The Kyle I missed.
I ran up to him and gave him a hug!
“I missed you!”
And that brought back his_very_ cute smile.

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