
A Boy and His Secret Part 3

Later on that day Jayy got a call on her cell phone from her parents. They told her that her aunt’s house got flooded and they have to stay back and help her get all the water out. Her parent’s also asked her if she didn’t mind staying with Andy until they got home.

“But dad I’m old enough to stay home alone, can’t you just trust me there.” Jayy trying to convince her parents.

“Honey, you know we trust you and all but we still think is safer at Andy’s house. So please just stay there.” He asked.

“But dad he has his cousin over!”

“Sweetie go ask his if you can stay, I don’t think he’ll mind and its only for a night or two.”

“Fine I’ll stay if it makes you happy” I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone.

“So Jayy what was that all about?” Andy asked

“It’s my dad, he wants me to stay over the night, ‘cause my aunt’s house flooded” I answered him.

“Don’t worry it’ll be fine. I’ll have Michael sleep on the floor, I don’t think he’ll mind.”

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