

Why… is the only word running through my mind… I just don’t get it…

Every morning is the same: I wake up feeling as though my heart is being sawn in half, and a dark hole is the only thing taking it’s place… Yet I haven’t the slightest idea of what is constantly tearing my heart in two… But over the past several months, I’ve become atuned to the pain. Sometimes it’s as if it’s not even there because I’m so used to it.

The worst part? Everyone worries so much about me… Me and my stupid feelings… I don’t even have a reason to feel this way. In fact, I should be happy at this very moment, and not blasting this hopeless music in my ears… Yet, this world is filled with just the most pleasant irony…

I’ve been trying so hard to find a reason… but nothing seems to fit…

You’re so hopeless, trying to explain yourself to your friends… they’ll eventually get tired of it, and you’ll be all on your own…

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